Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Slowly Finishing Muscles...

So...I'll continue to post the muscles as I find them. There were a handful that were not in the text book's atlas, so I resorted to scanning and altering some flashcards to make sure I could get everything. I'll continue to add to this post as I finish them. These are not all inclusive for each body part, but were the ones I could not find, plus some stragglers. More to come...


Internal Pectoral -Thoracic - Abdominal - Pelvic:

Posterior Leg:

Anterior Leg:

Updated Diagrams:

Anterior/Posterior Pectoral:

Anterior Abdomen:

Upper Arm Muscles:

Posterior Lumbar Region:

Upper Leg Muscles:

Side note...I gave this poor guy some "privacy" since he was noble enough to donate his body to science, and the area needing privacy wasn't needed for this review. I figured I'd spare him from being on the internet...not that he would know...or that anyone would recognize him...or maybe they would...ewww...anyway...on with the diagram:

Lower Leg Muscles:

Alrighty... I'm working on answer keys now. I'll have done by the time I go to bed tonight so that all we should have to do is quiz ourselves like maniacs tomorrow and Friday. I'll check back in with y'all then! :)

Muscles Answer Key:

1. Frontalis
2. Temporalis
3. Zygomaticus Major
4. Masseter
5. Sternocleidmastoid
6. Orbicularis Oris
7. Orbicularis Oculi
8. Galea Apopneurotica

Internal Pectoral Thorasic Abdominal Pelvic
1. External Intercostals
2. Diaphram
3. Illiacus
4. Psoas Major
5. Transverse Abdominals

Posterior Leg
1. Gracillis
2. Adductor Magnus
3. Semimembranosus
4. Soleus
5. Gluteus Minimus

Anterior Leg
1. pectineus
2. vastus lateralis
3. vastus intermedius
4. illiotibial tract
5. peroneus longus
6. tibialis anterior
7. sartorius
8. adductor longus (cut)
9. adductor longus (cut)
10. adductor magnus
11. rectus femoris

Anterior Posterior Pectoral
1. Rhomboideus
2. Deltoid
3. Latissimus Dorsi
4. Trapezius
5. Deltoid
6. Pectoralis Minor
7. Internal Intercostals
8. Pectoralis Major
9. Seratus Anterior

Anterior Abdomen:
1. External Oblique
2. External Oblique
3. Internal Oblique
4. Transverse Abdominis
5. Recuts Abdominis
6. Linea Alba

Upper Arm Muscles:
1. Deltoid
2. Triceps brachii (long head)
3. Triceps brachii (lateral head)
4. Biceps brachii
5. Brachialis
6. Brachioradialis (cut)
7. Deltoid
8. Triceps Muscle (lateral head)
9. Triceps Muscle (long head)
10. triceps Muscle (medial head)

Posterior Lumbar Region:
1. Erector Spinae
2. Gluteus Medius
3. Gluteus Maximus
4. Latissimus Dorsi
5. External Oblique

Upper Leg Muscles:
1. Gracillis
2. Vastus Medialis
3. Tesor fasciae latae
4. Sartorius
5. Illiotibial Tract
6. Adductus Longus
7. Rectus Femoralis
8. Vastus Lateralis
9. Adductor Magnus
10. Gracillis
11. Gastrocnemius
12. Gluteus Maximus
13. Illiotibial Tract
14. Biceps Femoralis
15. Semitentinosus
16. Semimembranosus

Lower Leg Muscles:
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
3. Calcaneal Tendon (Achilles Tendon)
4. Tibialus Anterior
5. Gastrocnemius
6. Soleus

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