Name that Joint:
And How Well Do You Know Your Knee?
A Little Bone Histology:
The Typical Long Bone:
Fetal Skull and Fontanels:
Lower Leg:
Upper Leg:
Pelvic Girdle:
Upper Arm:
Pectoral Girdle:
Shoulder Blade:
Collar Bone:
Thoracic Cage:
Breast Bone:
The Posterior Thorax!
A Rib!
Your a Whole Bunch of Pieces.
And more pieces:
And more:
And more!
and the last pieces:
Your head is kind of a big big, in fact, it needs more pics than anything else!!
Number 1:
Number 2:
Number 3:
Number 4:
Number 5:
And there you have it... everything you need for the skeletal system portion, and nothing you don't! I'll work on posting the answer key for each during the day tomorrow.
If you think your brain is now sloshing around in your head after that, don't worry...I can assure you that your crista galli is holding it in place.
Answer Key Now Posted:
Name that Joint:
1. suture
2. syndesmosis
3. gomphoses
4. symphysis
5. synovial
How Well Do You Know Your Knee:
1. Femur
2. Articular Capsule
3. Posterior Cruciate Ligament
4. lateral miniscus
5. anterior cruciate ligament
6. tibia
7. tendon of the quadraceps femoris
8. suprapatellar bursa
9. patella
10. subcutaneus prepatellar bursa
11. synovial cavity
12. lateral maniscus
13. infrapatellar fat pad
14. Deep infrapatellar bursa
15. patellar ligament
16. Anterior Cruciate Ligament
17. Articular Cartilage on medial tibial condyle
18. medial maniscus
19. Posterior cruciate ligament
20. articular cartilage on lateral tibial condyle
21. lateral maniscus
A Little Bone Histology:
1. lamellae
2. osteon
3. central canal
4. osteocytes in lacunae
5. canaliculi
6. red bone marrow
7. trabecula
8. osteocytes within lacunae
9. osteoblasts
10 osteoclasts
Typical Structure of a Long Bone:
1. proximal epiphysis
2. spongy bone
3. articular cartilage
4. epiphyseal plates
5. periosteum
6. compact bone
7. medullary cavity
8. diaphysis
9. distal epiphysis
10. spongy bone
11. compact bone
12. articular cartilage
13. endosteum
14. yellow bone marrow
15. compact bone
16. periosteum
17. Sharpey's Fibers
18. nutrient arteries
Fetal Skull:
1. Parietal Bone
2. Sphenoidal Fontanelle
3. Maxilla
4. Mandible
5. Frontal Bone
6. Frontal Suture
7. Anterior Fontanelle
8. Anterior Fontanelle
9. Frontal Bone
10. Sphenoidal Fontanelle
11. Temporal Bone
12. Mastoid Bone
13. occipital Bone
14. Parietal Bone
1. phalanges
2. metatarsals
3. tarsals
4. talus
5. calcaneus
6. calcaneus
7. talus
8. tarsals
9. metatarsals
10. phalanges
Lower Leg:
1. lateral condyle of the tibia
2. medial condyle of the tibia
3. tibial tuberosity
4. fibula
5. tibia
6. medial condyle of the tibia
7. tibia
8. lateral condyle of the tibia
9. head of fibula
10. fibula
1. patella
2. base
3. apex
Upper Leg:
1. neck
2. head
3. greater trochanter
4. lesser trochanter
5. femur
6. laterial epicondyle
7. lateral condyle
8. medial epicondyle
9. medial condyle
10. head
11. neck
12. lesser trochanter
13. medial epicondyle
14. medial condyle
15. lateral condyle
16. lateral epicondyle
17. greater trochanter
Pelvic Girdle - Anterior:
1. sacrum
2. anterior superior illiac spine
3. illium
4. anterior inferior illiac spine
5. coxal bone
6. pubic bone
7. ischium
8. superior ramus of pubis
9. inferior ramus of pubis
10. pubic symphysis
11. obturator foramen
12. acetabulum
13. -
14. illiac fossa
15. illiac crest
Pelvic Gridle - Posterior:
1. posterior illiac spine
2. illiac crest
3. illium
4. sacrum
5. greater sciatic notch
6. lesser sciatic notch
7. coxal bone
8. pubic bone
9. ischium
10. cocyx
11. ischial spine
12. ischium
13. obturator foramen
14. ischial tuberosity
1. phalanges
2. metacarpals
3. carpals
1.coronoid process
2. head of the radius
3. neck of radius
4. radial tuberosity
5. radius
6. ulnar notch of radius
7. styloid process of radius
8. head of ulna
9. ulna
10. radial notch of ulna
11. trochlear notch
12. olecranon process
13. ulna
14. ulnar notch
15. head of ulna
16. styloid process of ulna
17. styloid process of radius
18. radius
19. neck of radius
20. head of radius
21. humerous
22. head of radius
23. radial tuberosity
24. radius
25. ulna
26. radial notch
27. coronoid process of ulna
28. trochlea
29. medial epicondyle
30. humerous
31. olecranon process
32. medial condyle
33. ulna
34. radius
35. head of radius
36. trochlea of humerous
37. lateral epicondyle
38. olecranon fossa
Upper Arm:
1. Greater Tubercle
2. Lesser Tubercle
3. head
4. anatomical neck
5. surgical neck
6. deltoid tuberosity
7. Shaft / Body
8. Radial Fossa
9. Lateral Condyle
10. Coronoid Fossa
11. Medial Epicondyle
12. Capitulum
13. Trochlea
14. Condyle
15. Head
16. Anatomical Neck
17. Surgical Neck
18. Deltoid Tuberosity
19. Olecranon Fossa
20. Lateral Epicondyle
21. Medial Epicondyle
22. Trochlea
Shoulder Blade:
1. acromion
2. coronoid process
3. Glenoid Cavity
4. subscapular fossa
5. lateral border
6. medial border
7. scapula
8. medial border
9. lateral border
10. infraspinous fossa
11. spine of scapula
12. acromion
13. coronoid process
14. supraspinous fossa
Collar Bone:
1. supraspinous fossa
2. acromion
3. spine of scapula
4. infraspinous fossa
5. coronoid process
6. glenoid cavity
7. subscapular fossa
8. acromial end (lateral)
9. sternal end (medial)
10. spine of scapula
11. actomial end of clavicle
12. acromion
13. supraspinous fossa
14. coronoid process
15. sternal end of clavicle (medial)
16. sternal end (medial)
17. acromial end (lateral)
18. clavicle
19. scapula
20 clavicle
Breast Bone
1. clavicular notch
2. manubrium
3. body
4. xiphoid process
5. xiphoid process
6. body
7. manubrium
8. clavicular notch
9. jugular notch
10. sternum
Posterior Thorax:
1. true ribs
2. false ribs
3. floating ribs
4. costal cartilage
5. xiphoid process
6. sternum body
7. manubrium
8. sternum
9. clavicle
10. clavicular notch
11. jugular notch
A Rib:
1. spinous process
2. costal facet
3. transverse process
4. body of thoracic vertebrae
5. head of rib
6. neck of rib
7. tubercle of rib
8. shaft
9. tubercle of rib
10. neck of rib
11. neck of rib
12. shaft of rib
13. body of vertebra
14. head of rib
15. neck of rib
16. shaft of rib
17. superior costal facet
18. transverse costal facet
19. tubercle of rib
Your a whole bunch of pieces:
1. spinous process
2. transverse process
3. intervertebral disc
4. intervertebral foramen
5. axis
6. cervical discs
7. thoracic discs
8. lumbar discs
9. sacrum
1o. cocyx
And More Pieces:
1. Transverse Foramen
2. Atlas
And more:
1. vertebral foramen
2. body
3. body
4. transverse foramen
5. axis
6. axis
7. axis
8. atlas
And more! :
1.thoracis vertebrae
2 superior. transverse costal facet for tubercle of rib
2 inferior. superior and inferior facet for head of ribs
3. superior costal facet (head of rib)
4. transverse costal facet (tubercle of rib)
And the last pieces:
1. lumbar vertebrae
2. scarum
3. cocyx
4. intervertebral discs
5. intervertebral foramen
6. superior articular process
7. transverse process
8. vertebral body
9. inferior articular process
10. spinous process
11. vertebral arch
12. vertebral foramen
Head #1:
1. frontal bone
2. occular margin
3. parietal bone
4. temporal bone
5. mastoid process
6. sphenoid bone
7. occular foramen
8. lacrimal bone
9. coronoid suture
10. maxilla
11. inferior nasal concha
12. nasal bone
13. vomer bone
14. mandible
15. mental process
16. zygomatic bone
17a. medial nasal concha
17b. ethmoid bone / perpendicular plate
Head #2:
1. coronal suture
2. frontal bone
3. sphenoid bone (greater wing)
4. ethmoid bone
5. lacrimal bone
6. nasal bone
7. lacrimal fossa
8. zygomatic bone
9. maxilla
10. temporal zygomatic process
11. mental foramen
12. mandible
13. mandibular notch
14. mandibular ramus
15. mandibular condyle
16. styloid process
17. mastoid process
18. external auditory meatus
19. occipital bone
20. lambdoid suture
21. squamous suture
22. temporal bone
23. parietal bone
Head #3:
1a. maxilla (palatine process)
1b. palatine bone
2. zygomatic bone
3. zygomatic process (temporal)
4. vomer bone
5 -
6. styloid process
7. mastoid process
8. foramen magnum
9. occipital condyles
10. jugular foramen
11. sphenoid bone (greater wing)
12. maxilla
Head #4:
1. frontal sinus
2. frontal bone
3. olfactory formina
4. zygomatic arch
5a. sphenoid bone - lesser wing
5b. sphenoid bone - greater wing
6. sella turcica (ethmoid bone)
7. parietal bone
8. occipital bone
9. foramen magnum
10. jugular foramen
11. internal acoustic meatus
12. optic canal
13a. crista galli (ethmoid bone)
13b. cribiform plate (ethmoid bone)
Head #5:
1. parietal bone
2. squamous suture
3. temporal bone
4. lambdoid suture
5. occipital bone
6. internal acoustic meatus
7. sella turcica
8. mandibular foramen
9. palatine bone
10. mandible
11. maxilla
12. vomer bone
13. ethmoid bone
14. sphenoid bone
15. nasal bone
16. crista galli
17. frontal sinus
18. sphenoid bone (greater wing)
19. frontal bone
20. coronal suture